How Construction Loans Work
There’s probably nothing more challenging and fun than building your own home. It helps to understand how your lender sees you and your project: they want you both to succeed! Whether you intend to build your own home or hire a professional architect or builder, you need to know a few facts about your project before you apply for a Construction Loan: 1. The specific time frame required to build your home, 2. How much equity (cash and/or land) you are bringing into the project, 3. How much it will cost to build your home, and 4. Liquid assets you will need (to live & operate) during your construction period. Naturally lenders have higher credit standards for complex projects. This is NO place for the first time homeowner. Your Home Building Team At the outset, whether you are designing your own home or hiring a home designer, you will need to find a lot suitable to your needs and design. A realtor working your architect or builder is a great asset. Working with a designer o...